SystemHaus Academy

Since March 2023, SHA has been offering a wide range of courses to its employees. Conceived with the guidance of an Education specialized consultancy, Systemhaus Academy promotes training, engagement, and the exchange of experiences among employees. Based on 3 pillars, Systemhaus Academy`s vision is focused on the dissemination and internalization of principles of evolution, transformation for the acquisition and sharing of knowledge and experiences:

Share - a part or portion of a larger amount of knowledge and/or experiences, which is divided among several people, or to which several people contribute.

Develop - to develop the capabilities or possibilities of; to bring to a more advanced or effective state. To cause growth or expansion. Evolve.

Transform - to change in form, appearance, or structure. To change in condition, nature, or character.

The overall goal of Systemhaus Academy not only aims to reduce the onboarding time for new employees but also to strengthen the internal expertise of the team, enabling them to respond quickly and efficiently to the constantly evolving market demands in the IT sector. To achieve this goal, specific objectives of Systemhaus Academy have been outlined, namely: a) to develop and offer training programs that address both the specific technical skills required by the IT market and interpersonal and management competencies necessary for professional success; b) to create an organizational culture that encourages continuous learning and the sharing of knowledge among employees, promoting the exchange of experiences and collective development; c) to regularly assess the effectiveness of its training programs, identifying areas for improvement and adjusting its activities as necessary to ensure the ongoing improvement of individual and organizational performance.

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