Antara RTD (Real-Time Data) is an advanced technology solution developed to meet the specific needs of tanneries. Its primary function is to integrate and monitor industrial operations in real time, enabling traceability at each stage of the production process. With Antara RTD, managers have instant access to critical production data, from the receipt of raw materials to the shipment of the final product, facilitating decision-making. This tool allows for the monitoring, management, and tracking of the workflow while ensuring compliance with quality and sustainability standards.

Moreover, Antara RTD is highly customizable, allowing it to be adjusted to the specific needs of each tannery, promoting greater efficiency, cost reduction, and strict control over industrial processes.

We use a methodology that guarantees safety and efficiency at each stage of the projects. We meet deadlines and our deliveries are accurate and in accordance with the planned schedule. We have full control of the project and provide periodic follow-up to our customer.

Antara RTD provides real-time dashboards with relevant information for your company



    Computers and devices are networked, enabling real-time communication and data exchange.



    The transformation of information and physical processes into digital data, allowing them to be used for analysis and decision-making



    The use of algorithms and machine learning systems enables devices and computational equipment systems to perform tasks that typically require human intelligence.



    Using advanced technologies and artificial intelligence (AI) to automate processes and increase efficiency.



    Connectivity of physical objects through sensors and devices to collect and share data.



    Using online computing services and resources to store and process large amounts of data.

Advantages of implementing Antara RTD in tanneries

  • Increased efficiency

    Increased efficiency

    Enabling automation in certain processes, integration of machines and systems, resulting in more efficient production with a lower margin of error.

  • Making better decisions

    Making better decisions

    By using real-time data and advanced analytics, it is possible to gain a clear view of the tannery`s performance, allowing strategic decisions to be made quickly and accurately.

  • Cost reduction

    Cost reduction

    Through automation and real-time data collection, production bottlenecks can be identified, resources can be enhanced and optimized, and waste can be reduced, resulting in lower operational costs.

Antara RTD and Sustainability

Investing in technological innovation is essential for tanneries, as it promotes sustainability, quality (both of the product and the process), and efficiency.

All of this makes it possible to achieve desired results intelligently, saving time, money, and resources.

The sustainability tripod: Without harmony and balance between these three dimensions, sustainability cannot be achieved.

Antara RTD and Sustainability

Antara RTD: Transforming the Leather Industry with Real Solutions

  • Energy consumption controls
    Energy consumption controls
  • Productivity and efficiency controls
    Productivity and efficiency controls
  •  Toggling parameter controls
    Toggling parameter controls
  •  Machine status identification
    Machine status identification
  • Spray machine control
    Spray machine control
  • Antara ERP & RTD
    Antara ERP & RTD

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